Category Archives: Events

A very special Anniversary

Yesterday, July 14th, we celebrated Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino’s 60th Wedding Anniversary and the launch of Child Haven International’s Diamond Jubilee Endowment Fund.


During the 60 years of their marriage, Bonnie and Fred raised their own 21 children, 19 adopted from around the world. They have also nurtured and provided loving care for thousands of formerly destitute children and women in India, Nepal, Tibet and Bangladesh. With their guidance, over the past years, CHI has assembled a future transition team which is intimately familiar with the people, philosophy and inner-workings which make Child Haven truly unique and effective. Continue reading

Fundraisers Galore

It’s spring and you know what that means – fundraising time!

It is also fundraising time in summer, fall, and winter, but those seasons will just have to wait their turn. Spring is a time for all things fresh and new. The days are getting longer, the sun is saying hello a bit more frequently, the snow is finally going away and we at Child Haven are in the midst of Fundraisers Galore – yippy! Come and celebrate Spring with Child Haven at one of our many upcoming fundraising events. Continue reading