Smiles for Miles

Life can be pretty difficult at times. This is true for everyone, everywhere around the world, but maybe a bit more so for people who are living well below the poverty line in overpopulated developing nations. But no matter where in the world you are and no matter how desperate your situation may seem to be, you can always find a child with a smile.

Trust us – we’ve found thousands.




Children don’t often realize the desperation of their situations and their resilience is utterly amazing. No matter how difficult their lives may have been before, once they are inside the safety and security of a Child Haven home the feelings of happiness and the broad toothy smiles are almost immediate. They are still living very simply, but they are no longer worried about where their next meal will come from or if they’ll be safe in the place where they’re sleeping. They are secure in knowing that they are receiving a good education so that they can have the skills to provide for themselves and their own family someday. They are free from worry. They are free to just be happy smiling children.

“I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.” – Mother Teresa

Their smiles radiate from within and spread like wild fire from one to another. They are contagious and one can’t help but be infected with their pure joy and radiance. These smiles are welcomed and celebrated bringing warmth and joy to their many recipients.

These children are so very happy with so very little – we could all stand to learn a few lessons from them. First and foremost, SMILE !!


Until next time,


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