intern overseas

Since 1985, approximately 1000 interns have paid their own way to India or Nepal and lived in Child Haven Homes for three months or more.

Overseas interns are required to take out medical insurance. They receive noVolunteers make an important contribution salary. They are expected to live simply and in harmony with the Gandhian spirit while at Child Haven.

Overseas interns live at or near the homes, eat the same vegetarian meals and provide extra tutoring, arts and crafts projects, general child care, office assistance, cleaning, etc.

When an intern arrives, there is a big welcome. At some of the homes flowers are given. (There are almost always flowers at Child Haven)

Later the interns return home with an increased understanding and appreciation of a culture other than their own, usually as more enlightened and compassionate individuals. Some interns have served three or more times.

Intern in Asia

intern information

Child Haven interns commit to a mimimum 3 month stay and are normally 21 years or older. Each intern pays his/her own airfare and medical insurance. When in India, Bangladesh, or Nepal, you live in the children's home and eat the same meals. All interns must be vegetarian during their stay, a non-smoker, and cannot consume alcohol or drugs. Dating is not allowed and is frowned upon in India. Intern in Asia

Prospective interns can contact the Child Haven International head office at
Child Haven International
19014 Concession 7
RR#1 Maxville,
Ontario Canada
K0C 1T0

Telephone 613-527-2829, or email to get a complete application package. This initial package includes 3 forms to be filled out and returned along with 3 character references. Other information enclosed are Child Haven's Guidelines, preparation for your trip, possible duties while in India and general intern information. The application/orientation fee is $50.

All interns must attend a 2 day orientation at the Cappuccino Farm in Maxville. We have several scheduled throughout the year, but space is limited.

First time interns are required to pay an additional $200 program fee to cover the cost of their stay in the home. Both above fees can be waived if the intern or their family is a regular contributor to Child Haven.